Work packages

We will be developing across the following work packages in an agile manner, working to complete as many user requirements as we can within the time available (and adding to requirements as new ones come along). Progress on the various packages can be followed by viewing the related posts or on the links provided. Sprints are driven by user stories and availability, with daily availability and weekly catchups supported by face to face meetings wherever possible.

WP1 Participation with Discovery programme

This workpackage will ensure that our project participates with the wider Discovery programme environment, by attending programme meetings, events, speaking engagements, and providing input into technical specifications and policy guidance. This will also provide an avenue for wider dissemination of the output of our project.

To find posts about WP1 search for the wp1 tag.

WP2 Collaborate with partners to develop social and technical interoperability

We already have some key partners agreeing to take part in the project, but of course there will be a period of scoping required early on in the project. Identifying and negotiating a suitable set of needs and wants will give us further direction for the coming software and community development tasks. Although this work is critical early on, it will not be treated as a fixed plan, but as a basis from which to progress; development will be agile and iterative in nature.

To find posts about WP2 search for the wp2 tag.

WP3 Open Bibliography advocacy

Uptake is key to the long term success of our approach to managing bibliographic metadata; uptake by users will best be supported by showing that relevant groups within the community are already committing to supporting Open Bibliography, and that they are doing so not just with words but by providing content.

To find posts about WP3 search for the wp3 tag.

WP4 BibKN community support

As advocacy activities generate additional buy-in, there will be a corresponding increase in the support effort required to maintain community relations between those groups that have committed to taking part in the Bibliographic Knowledge Network. This workpackage will provide such support, by ensuring there is a central and up to date resource for the BIBKN, that there is organisational support for meetings and events, and that the progress of community building is documented.

To find posts about WP4 search for the wp4 tag.

WP5 Data acquisition

As we acquire more data throughout the project, we will have an increasing requirement for storage space and for processing power. In addition, we will undoubtedly be the focus of scrutiny by the groups that provide such data, so we must ensure we can provide mechanisms for keeping datasets up to date. These issues will be covered explicitly by this workpackage via a combination of administrative and technical support.

To find posts about WP5 search for the wp5 tag.

Or view our helpful tools.

WP6 Software development

We have already had success in developing software for Open Bibliography, and have partnership with Jim Pitman of UCB on BibServer development. We are extending this work to develop these open source software tools to be capable of meeting the requirements of members of the community. This includes running BibSoup which is an exemplar service with as much data as possible, but also – and more importantly – by ensuring that software and services can meet the use cases of particular groups within the community. We will follow agile software development principles, to develop tools in an iterative manner towards the needs described in our use cases. Software development work will continue to be supported via publicly available open source repositories, and a software website and blog with documentation and demonstrations.

Software development is being managed via sprints on issues on the code repository.

To find posts about WP6 search for the wp6 tag.

WP7 Beta deployment

Over the course of the project we shall have a beta version of the software available for use by the community. This will generate interest and feedback, ensuring we are building a tool that meets the needs of the community, and will act as a catalyst for further community engagement.

Our Beta service is available at Feedback is being collected via the code repository issues.

Our BibJSON convention is available at Feedback can be provided on the site.

To find posts about WP7 search for the wp7 tag.

WP8 Disruptive innovation

To ensure the further community engagement based on the beta deployment, we shall perform disruptive innovation – taking the tools we have developed and the datasets it contains, we shall present outstanding examples of what we can do with this technology, and demonstrate how easy it is to do so. Previous examples of this include the visualisations produced by Ben O’Steen during the first year of this project (see and for further information).

To find posts about WP8 search for the wp8 tag.

WP9 Project management

Combining all aspects of the other workpackages of this project, and ensuring that the outputs are represented properly to the communities involved, will be the task of project management. This will include ensuring engagement with all partners and community members is maintained via project documentation, blogs, demonstrations, presentations, and events.

All posts about the project are relevant to this WP; however, any specific Project Management posts will be tagged with wp9.

WP10 Preparation for service delivery

In order to provide a long term service delivery, we require partners to support it. This workpackage will involve negotiation with potential partners via the Bibliographic Knowledge Network and JISC communities, to find a suitable home for the long term deployment. The purpose of the service delivery is to ensure that any member of the scholarly community can access the valuable resource that is Open Bibliography, regardless of whether or not their local community – e.g. their college or university – is capable of maintaining such tools on their behalf. In particular, we require server hardware and storage. We already have some potential solutions to this, and we will ensure they are followed up during the project via this workpackage.

To find posts about WP10 search for the wp10 tag; however, please note that activities will not take pleace until towards the end of the project on this WP.

One Response to Work packages

  1. Pingback: Final report: JISC Open Bibliography 2 |

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