New developments on Public Domain Works!

We have now completed a major load of data into the Public Domain Works database:

There are now 125318 persons, 12840 items and 299141 works in the
database. The data we have there comes primarily from two sources:
people and book data from Philip Harper’s NGCOBA and recordings data from the online discographies provided by KCL’s CHARM project.

We also have a load more sound recordings data (~ 600k items) almost
ready to go courtesy of Edward Betts and the Open Library. (And we are yet to even get started on the BBC GRAMS data …).

Also work on the public domain calculators is still ticking over. Gisle Hannemyr recently put together a first draft of a copyright flowchart for Norway.

Join the pd-discuss list to get involved!

Related posts:

  1. Public Domain Works Database Project
  2. Which works fall into the public domain in 2010?
  3. Public Domain Works + The Open Library
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About Rufus Pollock

Rufus Pollock is Founder and President of Open Knowledge.
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