Date: April, 3rd 2012, 15:00 GMT
Channels:Meeting was held via Skype and Etherpad
- Adrian Pohl
- Jim Pitman
- Karen Coyle
Action Items from last meeting
- Adrian will personally ask people from the German National Library regarding BibJSON conversion –> No definite answer yet.
- Sebastian will provide a post for when the data set is officially released (sometimes in March) –> Done, see here
- Ask members of DCMI provenance group & W3C Provenance Working Group to provide a short post about it on –> not yet done
- Write down core resources and tasks of the openbiblio group. (Adrian) –> See
How should National Libraries provide their data?
- We are approaching several national libraries that are providing open data to make their data re-usable by the openbiblio group.
- There was some discussion how National Libraries and others should actually provide their data to be used in BibServer.
- Maintaining a BibJSON dump might be asking too much.
- Libraries who provide LOD could be asked to also provide a dump in JSON-LD. This would make it easier to re-use in a BibServer.
- Would adding JSON-LD to content negotiation be enough?
- Conclusion: We probably can’t make people to provide BibJSON and probably will have to transform open data ourselves.
- openbiblio-dev discussed aligning BibJSON with JSON-LD. Everybody is fine with namespaces in JSON.
ACTION: Create context file for BibJSON.
Further discussion of governance and resource allocation issues
- Openbiblio-dev/openbiblio 2 people will be attending monthly virtual meeting in the future to report on the project
Procedures for publication/maintenance of bibliographic datasets
- Formalizing procedures for publication/maintenance of bibliographic datasets: Mark provided good start in a recent email. This should be developed on this etherpad.
- Q from Karen: do we also want vocabularies/thesauri? Or just bib data? A: Yes, we want vocabularies/thesauri.
- Formalizing procedures for getting volunteers to follow through on assistance with specific data liberation projects.
ACTION: Create timeline for opening up biblio data, HowTo/FAQs; start on an [etherpad] and then move it to