The JISC Open Bibliography project has come to an end, but of course the Open Bibliography community remains. We will no longer have regular JISC Open Bib meetings, but I would hope that those involved will continue to engage with the monthly meetings organised by Adrian.
We can continue to build on the output of the JISC Open Bib project by working with the datasets we have available. The British Library are continuing to work on their British National Bibliography dataset, and Ben is continuing to improve his Web GL globe visualisation ( video ) of the MedLine dataset.
I have also taken the Medline dataset and made an attempt at indexing all of it; on top of this I am working on placing a UI that enables people to search the data. This is very prototype-y at the moment, but is available here for people using Firefox (and with no guarantee of stability!) The UI will also form part of the BibServer tool, more details of which are available at
In addition to this, we have the Open Biblio software that runs, and it is of course open source and available for others to use. If you are interested in running your own instance, please let us know.